The green ghost is so magical, wearing it has so much learning!

Green Ghost, a peculiar name, the green ghost is as strange and beautiful as its name. Although it is not a stunning beauty, it is a strange thing in the crystal world. It is not as clean as white crystal; there is no dream of amethyst; it is not as warm as citrine. However, it has its own unique charm. The white crystal contains green and more gloom, and is called different levels of green ghost according to different textures.


Green Ghost Crystal, the official scientific name in mineralogy, called (Chorite-Crystals). Green Ghost is also known as Green Phantom Crystal. Its formation is mainly in the process of crystal growth. The body contains minerals such as volcanic mud of different colors. In the transparent white crystal, different forms appear, including clouds, plants, whirlpools and even Pyramids, cornucopias, etc., because the inclusions are green, they are called green ghosts.

There are several kinds of phantom crystals that have been growing for thousands of years. One of them is the ghost crystal. In mineralogy, when a crystal grows for thousands of years, in the process, it intervenes in other minerals and forms a ghost crystal. The green ghost is the white crystal rich in green matter, so it is also very rare and precious. Only Brazil, Africa and other places produce green ghosts. The green ghosts here are pure and beautiful.

Origin of its name

The name Green Ghost has put a mysterious color on it. Maybe everyone will be curious as to why it is called Green Ghost. Is it unique magic, some magical effect, or too much spirituality like an elf. In fact, the source of the green ghost name is mainly derived from the Western theory. First, its color and US dollar are very similar. Secondly, its inclusions have different forms. There are cornucopias, pyramids, etc. People sigh their shapes. As a ghost, it is called the green ghost.

Its green and cornucopia shape expresses the meaning of a kind of wealth accumulation, and the green pyramid shape reflects the mechanism of the universe. From primitive to the original power of creating foundation, it also expresses the accumulation of wealth, especially suitable for It is very popular among entrepreneurs because it is worn by friends who are struggling in their careers.

Green meaning

Green is the lucky light of the universe. Just like Stefanie's "Green Light", it is a symbol of luck. At the same time, the heart wheel of the human body is also green. The green crystal represents the crystal of wealth. It is different from the lucky meaning of citrine. The citrine is the result of partial wealth and unexpected wealth. The green crystal represents the positive wealth, which is the work that people bring through their own efforts. Remuneration is an affirmation of your work, and you can also recruit valuable people.

Green light can also be used to improve heart pain, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. Especially for cancer patients, green will choose healthy cells to support their nutrients, instead of cancer cells, while green is soothing and calming. Emotions have a good effect, because green is located in the center of the spectrum, so it has a good balance. When feeling the pressure is relatively large, you can relax with the green ghost for meditation.

Green Ghost Classification

According to the shape of the green ghost, there are different green ghosts, which are mainly divided into three categories. The top grade is the pyramid, followed by the cornucopia.

1. Pyramid (also known as Melaleuca Mountain): This kind of green ghost is very rare and rare, and its collection value is also very high, mainly because the inclusions are arranged one after another at intervals, each layer has a similar shape. The pyramidal image of the triangle is revealed, hence the name Pyramid.

2, cornucopia: This type of green ghost is relatively inferior to the pyramid type, the shape of its inclusions such as mud piled up to form a cornucopia, but not as much as the cornucopia-like inclusions, the best is the overall Half of it is better, because it is not full of the reputation of the cornucopia, and it is not too rare, the basin type is not obvious.

3, mixed and scattered: this type is mainly mixed, scattered, is a mixture of pyramids and cornucopia, the more inclusions the better, but not too much red volcanic ash that is red ghost (commonly known as red Leather), or white ghosts, they are impurities to the green ghost, which affects the color of the green ghost and devalues ​​its value.

Wearing method

The wearing of crystal bracelets follows the principle of left-to-right output. The energy of the universe is cyclically run in the form of left-to-right output. In addition, the properties of the spar itself are worn. The spar is generally divided into the release line. And absorbable energy. Generally put on the left hand, can enhance the positive energy of people, such as: green ghost, hair crystal, titanium crystal, white crystal, amethyst, powder crystal, tourmaline, moonstone, citrine, etc. have left hand. At the same time, because the green color of the green ghost corresponds to the heart wheel, its position is just in the middle of the hub position. Wearing a crystal pendant such as a pendant in this place can balance the gas wheel of the whole body, which plays an important role in the development of the midrib.

Purification and maintenance

1. Degaussing of well water without pollution;

2. After 24 hours of sea salt, rinse the crystal clean;

3. Place the green ghost crystal on the crystal cluster, let the crystal cluster resonate; remove the crystal noise and recharge it;

4, the green ghost crystal is placed in the fragrant smoke (such as sandalwood), with smoked net;

5, the purification of the sea water brine, or put into the crystal cluster, crystal hole degaussing purification, or more sun or moon, more cold wind and so on using natural power to maintain;

6. Sunlight degaussing cleaning method, just place the green ghost crystal spar in a position that can be directly exposed to sunlight, such as window sills and terraces; the irradiation time is about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

7, do not wear skin when wearing, easy to be invaded by sweat, cosmetics, slightly acidic, weak alkali, easy to make the surface of the crystal loss of luster, should be cleaned regularly with water, wipe clean;

8, long-term not wearing, some jade surface will have weathering phenomenon, dip coating grease, or restore wearing, can return to normal;

9, can not rub and collide with hard objects to avoid fragmentation;

10. Do not approach high temperature or fire to prevent fading or cracking;

11. Do not contact corrosive chemicals such as strong acids and alkalis to prevent deterioration.

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