Kris Van Assche 09/10 Men's winter fashion release

Kris Van Assche's Fall / Winter 2009 series started with a training regiment compared to the relaxed and peaceful atmosphere of the previous two shows. The intermittent snare drum marches past the Musee de l'Homme in Paris, followed by models wearing sharp-edged black jackets outside long johns (men's underwear), panting into bulky, nowadays The latest wave of fighting boots. Next appearances boys wear uniforms. There was a low voice in the background music whispering: "We fight for your will" and "We want to rebel." The models are dressed in multi-tiered dark brown sweaters and jackets, wearing boots striding toward one of the lofty goals of the illusion Confidently move forward. Assche most prestigious sense of space full of long pants, although this season decorated a large patch pocket, but the limelight is no longer. In contrast, Van Assche is more viable in this season's loose form of tunic. And those obscure metaphors of Pushtud tribe costumes (which I suppose exactly explain why music refers to rebellion) best express his intent on the entire show. But what exactly does this intention mean in the strict sense? Obviously Van Assche is using this form to try to express his dissatisfaction with certain things, the wave of globalization, the capitalist system, or the globalization of capitalism, but such sentiment and neatness are simple clothing and seemingly luxurious The fabric contrasts. For example, a white corduroy jacket with a Sherpa dress collar or a laser-cut black jacket. Finally, I have to mention that those boots are really good.

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