Offside juvenile equipment: children's clothing store sales skills articles

Christmas New Year is at hand, all the children's clothing brand stores have begun a new round of promotional activities, sales promotion is an effective way to promote, and some store promotions for replication, and some can only be used as a reference, the following describes several different Sales methods. 1, the category of direct marketing: direct market turmoil, the domestic direct selling business done in full swing, the direct selling area most stores have opened, so stores do direct sales is a good way, direct sales driven consumption database will be greatly Increase the scale and efficiency of non-core sales, do a good job direct sales incentive system and incentive system, but also a very good store sales model; 2, boutique promotions: boutique promotions bring profits far higher than the conventional products, monopoly Shop suitable for boutique sales, it is different from the supermarket on the sale of thousands of kinds of goods. Therefore, the store must always have a sense of quality, boutique sales planning and promotion planning; 3, VIP recruitment: stores must grow their own membership team, members of the store model is the maximum cost of store protection, and therefore , The development of VIP members store sales is the core work; 4, community interaction: store must always serve the surrounding environment in order to facilitate the operation. Therefore, the community must actively participate in the interaction, we must take the initiative to contact the community, for an effective way to fight for their own potential; 5, buy: buy, buy spell become a popular model, stores can also open such channels for sales, buy a large amount to Low discounts to attract consumer eye, promote sales through the Internet.

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