Talk to Shanghai white-collar workers: It is indifference to the country and indifference to history.

Talk to Shanghai white-collar workers: It is indifference to the country and indifference to history.

One: Patriotic and Founding

The subject of this article is very large, and as large as a book may not be able to be written. However, the cut of this topic is very small. If we take a young white-collar worker living in Shanghai as a specimen and look at the patriotic enthusiasm of Yeyei and him together, it is not difficult to find the common ground between the two: they all need heat. With momentum.

In the previous round of Shanghai-related civil demonstrations that broke out in Shanghai, many participants were young white-collar workers who were employed in Shanghai. This is a phenomenon worthy of study. The young white-collar workers involved in society at first, according to Freud's point of view, if they were filled with Libido and Libido, they could be turned into motive force. Whether it was founding or patriotism, improper catharsis, It is a destructive force that is quite lethargic. The most vivid example is the parade of Japanese restaurants and the reversal of Nissan cars.

Parents, if it happens that such a child has just started to establish himself in Shanghai, the crowd around him or her is advocating expressing his patriotic enthusiasm in an inappropriate way. The parents’ heart is overwhelming. Today's publication of the newspaper's e-children given to her by Tingting’s mother is a lively text from the people in such a context.

Among the newspaper's readers, there is a considerable portion of young white-collar friends. If you read this letter carefully, you may be surprised to find out how the mother of “Tingting” and the mother of “Wen Wen”, the mother of “obvious” and the mother of “military army” have similar styles. In fact, the similarity is not a style of writing, but an experience, a kind of rational and mature thinking about things. Tingting’s mother said today that many mothers and dads would like to say to their children.

Just as Tingting’s mother said in the letter, many young people choose to stay in Shanghai because of their love of the city and their confidence in the future. I think conscientiously doing a good job is the best expression of the love of Shanghai and the love of the country. Our confidence in the future can be best explained by our practical efforts.

Finally, I would like to admire Tingting’s mother’s words: Love our country as much as we love Shanghai.

The second: governance a rule "historical apathy"

I have a lot of white-collar friends. Many of them are young people who are still "after the 80s." They have a lot of income, and they all have money and style. They look better than my big brother in the early 1970s. The nicknames they call each other are nothing more than "Tony", "Charles", and "Benjamin." If you use the habits of the 70s of the last century to call them "A Peng" and "Adu," they roll their eyes at you; in the cashbox, they sang "Jiangnan" and I sang "Love Song 1980". They were me. Unearthed artifacts.

I often ridicule this group of little younger brothers and young girls, "without history, turned out to be born." The more precise metaphor is: know Luo Jiaying, do not know Dai Daiying, know Armani, do not know Xu Teli. It really is not an exaggeration.

However, many of these small white-collar workers participated in the civil parade in Japan last week. One of them sent me a link afterwards. The message said: "Hurry up and have a look! The scene is very old!" I would like to reply to this question: When Beijing students burned Zhao Jialou in 1919, did you know that they felt strong? But I was worried that this little friend would return to me: Zhao Jialou? A real estate? Students need to burn Iraq? Think about these children are severe patients with history indifference, then give up.

When it comes to "indifferent," my white-collar friends are certainly not convinced. Do people tell me "indifferent"? Didn't see my "enthusiasm"? However, having “enthusiasm” necessarily means that we are not “indifferent” to one thing? Why is there such a white-collar youth who is indifferent to history and devoted to this parade with such enthusiasm? Stealing that the root cause is still a result of "a history of apathy."

"History apathy" has caused our lack of long-term, scientific analysis and comparison of a thing. For example: What are the historical causes of Sino-Japanese relations? What is the current strategic plan for the party and government to treat China-Japan relations? How can patriotic enthusiasm be in harmony with national interests? What kind of view of history is scientific and not blind? Are these serious questions answered by young people with "patriotic enthusiasm"?

The most direct response to “autism history” is that once there are emergencies, young people’s “emergency mechanism” on the historical view cannot form a correct and rational judgment on this. This is probably the basic motivation for my white-collar young friends to show blind enthusiasm at this special moment.

Not only is the young white-collar workers around me, for all the young people who are in need of blood, it is the best chance for the rule of the rule of “historical indifference”.

Finally, I would like to admire Tingting’s mother’s words: Love our country as much as we love Shanghai.

The third: rational and orderly health

From the crowd I came in contact with, white-collar workers pay more attention to the concept of "health." I have a friend who works as an "electrician" at Intel Corporation - not a light bulb, but a "computer engineer." The income has tripled and the abdominal muscles are six times that of mine - I only have one big belly. He has six contoured and unambiguous muscles in his abdomen. On a rest day, I watched the discs at home; he liked to go around with a bunch of fellow players, the most terrible one, who had been storming from Lujiazui to the seaside in Nanhui. Of course, this group of people is not a fool to go all the way. There is a garbage bag and garbage will be collected along the way. In this way, he broke several pairs of Nike shoes in half a year.

I admire his healthy life very much, but I really do not have the world full of gossip. I also know that many small white-collar workers, usually with “Internet electricians”, have similar health concepts. They have money and leisure. They like to hobby and woo friends on blogs or QQ for 8 hours. Or do things that are not common in the realm, such as walking away and adopting stray cats and dogs.

More than a dozen days ago, some of them used the usual liaison methods to participate in the civil parade in Japan instead of “environmental rampage”. This led me to start thinking about a question: What kind of life is really healthy? Or say: What kind of patriotism is truly healthy patriotism?

My understanding is: Health first depends on the order of actions, and "orderlines" undoubtedly come from the intellectual mind. If a person only has "simple limbs and developed muscles" and does not have "rational" and "orderly" actions to direct his own limbs and muscles, can he talk about "healthy"? Just like “Inter-Electrician” and his friends, if you start from Lujiazui and go to Nanhui Beach to catch yourselves, or if you don’t notice people touching fish in the fishponds, I’m like this. The "health" does not agree.

When we go back to the issue of patriotism, we should of course patriotism. "Patriotic" is a lofty sentiment, but if we hope to achieve an "ulterior purpose" with an unconventional, unreasoning, and unorderly behavior, this " Love can't be said to be healthy either. If you act in the name of "patriotism" and act in an illegal manner, it is even less "unhealthy" to be generalized.

No matter if you have a self-cultivation or patriotism or patriotism, if there is no sensible and orderly kernel, it will be difficult to resonate among the broadest crowd. This is the truth of countless vivid examples.

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