The value of South Red Agate is related to what factors

There are many factors that determine the value of South Red Agate. Its natural rich red and oily texture, as well as the pros and cons of carving, have a huge impact on the value of South Red Agate.

'China Red' is an important part of the five thousand years of Chinese cultural characteristics. Chinese people who have this special preference for red must think that the moment of wishfulness and auspiciousness must be red. The different grades of Nanhong have a lot of value difference. Jinhong is the most expensive color in Nanhong. The superior South Red Agate jade has a strong texture, and the resources are scarce. The material is rare and the natural price is high. Good carvings are also very important for the South Red Agate. If the good South Red Agate is not equipped with a good carving, it is definitely ruining the original stone. A medium-sized carving can vary from 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan depending on the carving.

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